TRP Challenge 6: Look in the mirror in a non-judgemental way I still hold that one of the most traumatising every day tasks you can complete is to go bikini shopping. Especially if this is in a Topshop store (if you know, you know). I am under no illusion that many people would say I suffer from 'thin privilege'. I get this, and I accept this too. However, it is possible to loathe (and equally, and more importanly, love) your body at any size. I used to hate the way I looked. I would stand in front of the mirror and pinpoint all the parts of me which I wanted to change, shrink, smooth, lift. I would spend hours, days even, fretting about different parts of my body and the way they appeared in the mirror or to others. I compared myself to others relentlessly. I never ever looked in the mirror and thought about the things which I liked or the amazing things which my body could do. A few years ago my body was in crisis. All the muscle I had built up ...
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