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Who is Rosie?
I'm a twenty something young professional living and working in the UK. I grew up in the East Midlands with my large & bonkers family & have lived in several places across the UK since leaving home for University. I love travelling to places near and far, that first sip of prosecco and sweating out all my worries during a tough workout.  I am passionate about a lot of things and put my heart and soul into all the things, and people, I love.
However, I've realised the one person I don't spend enough time loving and caring for is myself. From this, the Rosie Project was born.

What is the Rosie Project?
The Rosie Project is about challenging myself. It's about challenging my mental illness. It's about self-acceptance, self-love and being positive even in the face of my demons. It's about challenging the stereotypes which we face in our society. Ultimately, the Rosie Project is about proving to myself I can, and I will.

Why now?
You can read a bit more about why I have started this project on my first blog post. After a turblent few months in my personal life, recovering from an eating disorder and battling ongoing anxiety & depression, I decided there is no time like the present to live my life to the fullest.
I'm learning to use time as a tool, not as a couch.


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