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Showing posts from August, 2017

Magic Mirror on the wall

TRP Challenge 6: Look in the mirror in a non-judgemental way I still hold that one of the most traumatising every day tasks you can complete is to go bikini shopping. Especially if this is in a Topshop store (if you know, you know). I am under no illusion that many people would say I suffer from 'thin privilege'. I get this, and I accept this too. However, it is possible to loathe (and equally, and more importanly, love) your body at any size. I used to hate the way I looked. I would stand in front of the mirror and pinpoint all the parts of me which I wanted to change, shrink, smooth, lift. I would spend hours, days even, fretting about different parts of my body and the way they appeared in the mirror or to others. I compared myself to others relentlessly. I never ever looked in the mirror and thought about the things which I liked or the amazing things which my body could do. A few years ago my body was in crisis. All the muscle I had built up ...

Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong

TRP Challenge 7: Forgive myself for my past mistakes, and forgive others for theirs I am a sucker for a quote. Whether it is to inspire me, lift my mood, or help me get through a tough day, I often turn to pinterest to look over my countless boards filled with quotes. They allow me to focus on the job at hand & put into words the thoughts and feelings I sometimes can't express fully. One of my favourites is 'holding onto anger is like drinking poison & expecting the other person to die'. I find it fits a lot of situations, and really helps if someone is bugging you in anyway. It is also a life saver when you feel that red hot feeling as the anger or resentment starts to build up inside of you. It is also one which I believe really fits with the way we should talk to and act to ourselves. It is so easy to focus on the past mistakes we have made, because as humans we are all ultimately flawed. No one is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. Sometimes t...